
 Kashi: borg ljósannna og draumanna; TRANSFER í pappírskilju og harđspjalda á Amazon

Nú er hægt að panta
draumabók Skuggsjár
og Amazon,
ofl, vefverslunum,
and the River of Time,

í pappírskilju eða harðspjalda.

Kostnaði hefur verið
haldið í algjöru lágmarki
þannig að bókin er
á viðráðanlegu verði.

Njótið vel!

Hér birtast brot um
Kashi, borg ljósanna
og borg draumanna, úr
kaflanum A Forest City
hosts a Lingam:

Kashi is a grove,
an ancient grove
of long gone trees.
This worldy abode of Shiva
and his beloved consort
Parvati is a forest of bliss.
A forest city based in
a grove on the Ganga banks.
A sacred complex  and
a microcosm of Indian
civiliztion hosting the most
revered jyotir or lingam
of all--the age-old Vishwanath.
Has the lingam emerged
from the crust of the Earth
and been flashed towards the sky?
Or is the jyotir a meterior
that once fell to Earth?

Hundreds of shrines and
temples are scattered
all over the city along with
a myriad of stalls selling
silks and brocades;
ghat by ghat down by the river.
However, the city is built
around its main attraction,
the Golden Temple thus named
because of its guilded spire
where the jyotir is placed,
one Kashi Vishwanath is
the ruling deity here--
a form of Lord Shiva.
A centre of worship,
the most sacred of all,
with pilgrims, mostly
devoted Hindus, streaming
 in daily from all over India.

The Golden Temple was
raised by the queen of Indore
in the late 18th century after
one of those raids on
Kashi that ruined the city.
There have been countless
ruins and countless rebirths
of the City of Light
throughout history.
This city truly is a sadhu
and a sannyasi, a city of
much devotion and learning
whatever the earthly scenery.

(Bjorg Bjarnadottir,
and the River of Time;
2014, 21-22).


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© 2007 Draumasetriđ Skuggsjá Hönnun Design EuropA