Í dag kom bók Bjargar
forstjóra Skuggsjár
fyrir sjónir lesenda
í Kindle útgáfu
á Amazon.
Bókin heitir
and the River of Time
og fjallar um drauma-
borgina ævafornu, Kashi
á Indlandi, (líka nefnd
Benares eða Varanasi),
á bökkum hins helga
Ganges fljóts
sem stundum er
kallað elfur tímans.
Við tilkynnum síðan
í desember með
pappírskiljuútgáfuna og
vefsetur fyrir bókina
þar sem hægt er
að panta ásamt því
að panta á Amazon
ofl. netverslunum.
Birtum hér smá útdrátt
úr kaflanum Ganga Devi:
Cowsmouth or Gaumukh
in sanskrit is the name of the cave
in the Gangroti Himalayan glacier
wherefrom the Ganga emerges,
running in one mesmerizing
flow towards the Ganga Sagar
in the Bay of Bengal.
The trees at her farther bank
look like a flowing stairway t
o heaven in the morning mist.
I am getting familiar with
Her banks covered with
rows of stonesteps which
sweep down ghat after ghat
where one can watch
a great panorama of
the joys of life and
the sorrows of death.
What highroad of Nature
who has triggered the
growth of civilization.
What web Kashi.
In my dream vision last night,
I saw a creature in the Ganga
looking like a dolphin upon
which I awoke startled,
saying to myself, no that can´t be, a
dolphin here in such a
southern warm place!
But today I learn of the Makara,
a mythical river creature
in the sacred Ganga river
that seems to be a mix of
a crocodile and a dolphin!
(Bjorg Bjarnadottir, TRANSFER in Kashi
and the River of Time;
Partridge/Penguin, 2014, 141).